Neoliberalism, Digital Communication Technologies and the Cultural and Creative Industries


  • Kelechi Chijioke Samuel School of Media Communication, Pan-Atlantic University



This article examines the use of internet-based media platforms for marketing communication among fashion designers as a manifestation of globalization and neoliberal free trade. It highlights some features of neoliberalism, sub-themes of the cultural and creative industries concept, and some impact of using digital media technologies, and argues that there is nexus between these three concepts. It notes that neoliberal globalization has promoted free markets and facilitated the disannulment of barriers which previously excluded many from trading freely. The findings suggest there are inherent economic benefits as well as precarious conditions associated with the use of digital marketing platforms. These conditions, some of which subvert the individuals’ rewards from using their talent, are consistent with the rise of precarious work under neoliberal capitalism. It recommends that cultural producers should seek ways of maximizing the benefits in using these media platforms while minimizing the burdens and precarious conditions.


Neoliberalism, digital technologies, cultural and creative industries, intellectual property


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How to Cite

Samuel, K. C. (2019). Neoliberalism, Digital Communication Technologies and the Cultural and Creative Industries. Advanced Journal of Social Science, 6(1), 96–108.